SociaWatt finding new ways to share messages
SocialWatt partner, the Regulatory Assistance Project, presented the project’s work and findings at the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy’s Summer Study Conference in June 2022. The poster presentation was accompanied by a recording of the song composed by the authors on energy poverty alleviation in the Energy Efficiency Directive, to the tune of the Beatles’ song Let it Be. The poster won the prize for best use of humour. The song also won the approval of the conference choir (an impromptu group that formed during the week) which sang it, with audience participation, at the closing plenary. In the video below you can see the poster presentation in the tune of the Beatles’ song Let it Be sang by the ECEEE Summer Study conference choir in June 2022. Just one more way that the SocialWatt project is raising awareness of energy poverty alleviation.