Alleviating energy poverty through Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive

Alleviating energy poverty through Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive

SocialWatt and partner H2020 project, ENSMOV, have come together to write a joint briefing to share the learning from both projects and make recommendations to improve the consideration of energy poverty through Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive.


Article 7 of the EED specifically requires European member states to take into account the need to alleviate energy poverty in their design of Article 7 measures, but this requirement is not universally adopted. The briefing recommends that the provision on energy poverty in Article 7 should be fully implemented and, further, that the distributional equity – or who pays for and who benefits – from the measures delivered under Article 7 should be assessed, and measures put in place to address distributional inequities. More broadly, the climate and social goals within EED Article 7 and the wider European package must be better aligned.


The policy brief is available to download here.




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